Integrate Magepack with Magento/Adobe commerce

Integrate Magepack with Magento/Adobe commerce

Integrate Magepack with Magento/Adobe Commerce to increase the speed of the store front.
Advanced JavaScript bundling to provide the fast performance as never before.

Advanced JavaScript bundling

Advanced JavaScript bundling using Magepack is easy to integrate.


Github  url :

1. install Node 
node -v  16.15.1

2. install magepack module 
Command:  php composer require creativestyle/magesuite-magepack

Once you made sure Magepack Magento module is installed

Command: bin/magento config:set dev/js/enable_magepack_js_bundling 1
and clear cache

3. Command:  npm install -g magepack

4. Command:  magepack -v

5. Command:  magepack generate --cms-url="" --category-url="" --product-url=""

6. Command:  magepack bundle

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