Category: Magento

Magento 2 command list

Hello reader today we share list of the some usfull magento 2 command list. You will find the list of important commands Magento 2. Connect the SSH and go to magento root directory to run/execute the commands MAGENTO 2 USEFUL COMMANDS LIST Elasticsearch entry into Database bin/magento config:set catalog/search/engine elasticsearch7 bin/magento config:set catalog/search/elasticsearch7_server_hostname bin/magento […]

Magento 2 add custom js file in module

Hey reader today we will disscuss about to add js file in custom module . Please follow below step to done this job. Step 1. Create requirejs-config.js file on below path :- app/code/VendorName/ModuleName/view/frontend/requirejs-config.js var config = { map: { ‘*’: { myjs: ‘VendorName_ModuleName/js/myjs’, } }, deps: [‘jquery’] }; Step 2. Create myjs.js file on below […]

Setup Multi Website in Magento 2

Today we discuss how to create multi-websites in Magento 2 . Magento allows you to setup multi-websites for your single installed Magento. For example is a main website and you want to like this Then you need to create newsetup dirctory(folder) on magento root dirctory. Step 1. Find the website code 1. Go […]

Magento 2 API security issue

Today we discuss about API security issue in magento 2. By default, Magento 2 now prevents anonymous users from accessing the APIs that could reveal sensitive information. When the feature is enabled, the user must have administrator privileges to execute the affected APIs. Preventing anonymous access to these endpoints could cause third-party integrations to fail. […]

Magento 2 – Cannot find field “newsletter_enabled” on type StoreConfig pwa-studio

“Cannot query field “newsletter_enabled” someone face this kind of issue when setup PWA with magento. Error :- Error: Cannot query field “newsletter_enabled” on type “StoreConfig”. (… 1 errors total) at /var/www/vhosts/ at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async module.exports (/var/www/vhosts/ Solution:- Run the below command in Magento root which is defined in the .env file of the […]

Magento 2 get Helper function in XML

Create a dynamic link in the customer account. Here you make the dynamic link as per your logic. 1) Define helper class {vendor}\{Module}\Helper\Data in navigation link <?xml version=”1.0″?> <page xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd”> <body> <referenceBlock name=”customer_account_navigation”> <block class=”Magento\Customer\Block\Account\SortLinkInterface” name=”customer-account-navigation-new-product-link” after=”-“> <arguments> <argument name=”label” xsi:type=”string”>Some link</argument> <argument name=”path” xsi:type=”helper” helper=”{Vendor}\{Module}\Helper\Data::getLink”></argument> </arguments> </block> </referenceBlock> </body> </page> 2) Now create […]

You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled In Magento 2

In Magento sometimes we face the issue “You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled” when creating token using rest API. If you are calling rest API like and you are getting the error message. You need to clean the oauth token requests logs. To do so, is as simple […]

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